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Branding or re-branding your business can be a lot to add to your plate! Download my Brand Strategy Blueprint prep guide and let me help you get started for free, and gather your thoughts about where you are, and where your brand is headed! 

Brand Strategy Blueprint 

Brand Strategy Blueprint 


It's ok, I know how you feel!! I launched my photography business in 2001 as a wedding photographer shooting film, and have had to pivot so many times I feels more like a twirling ballerina... 

Does your new business feel like a swirl of cosmic soup when it comes to building a web presence, courses, and trying to hone in on who is your ideal customer? 

Luckily, this fox always lands on her feet, and my business is as solid as ever! Take my over 20 years of expertise and use it! Now I've got a plan made just for you, and it's FREE!

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Don't Worry, I can Help

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Brand Strategy Blueprint Starter

 Get started today by downloading this really helpful questionnaire to evaluate your brand and see if you're ready for a refresh! 


Learn More 

Just need a quick solution for some help along the way? If you are going the "lone wolf" route, I can answer questions and help get you back on course!

clarity call

We can create a whole collection of images to highlight your brand message, introduce your brand personality. I accomplish this with a proprietary process that blends actual photography and the latest AI tools to deliver customized images like the ones you see here on this website!

content photoshoot

Schedule your Brand Strategy Evaluation for your new or current business brand, website, and socials, taking what you want to keep from it, and creating a strategy to implement new ideas. 

strategy guide

Ways to Work Together

book 1x1 

Need quick guidance? Schedule a call to get one to one help with strategy, web design, graphics, or images.

book a 1 x 1

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Brand strategy blueprint including identity/personality, colors, themes, and dynamic digital folio to organize all your brand assets. The cost of your  call is applied to your package!

 Strategy Plan

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I can create a brand image photoshoot without you ever stepping into my studio! Using a selfie and a few words of inspiration from you I can deliver a suite of images for use on your website, social media, and products!

Branding Photoshoot 

People often ask how I mastered cutting-edge AI tools and processes to deliver exceptional creative services worldwide. These services include brand strategy, web design, and AI-powered branded photoshoots. The answer? I partnered with Jenna Soard, the dynamic entrepreneur behind the Secret AI Society. Jenna offers both free and paid training programs that help creatives like me leverage our design skills using AI tools.  

click here for more details

Designers, in a creative slump?